
A Line is Drawn

I've reached a decision with regard to Till's lyrics. I'm sticking with the explicit imagery. I'm done with speculation, guessing-games, and bullshit. Lindemann writes beautiful verse with vivid and powerful imagery. Why do I need more than that?

I'm done with reading the insane theorising and interpretation. There's too much of it, and my shite-filter is broken. I'm completely over the whole shebang.

There's a fuck-tonne of 'deeper meaning' and layering out there, but it could all be so much mental wankery. One could compile an immense volume of this crap and as far as I can tell it's a complete cluster-fuck. Till himself is the only one who knows, and I'm simply not willing to get it wrong. I need to keep the faith, and I can't do that if I cross my Is and dot my Ts. Till's most compelling compositional device is his audience's visual imagination, and I've got that in spades. That will do. Onions be damned!

I get pictures in my head from his work. I write about them so they work with the music and his singing style. That's it. Unless a member of Rammstein has come out and deliberately explained a profundity from one of their songs I'm ignoring it all.

All the intellectual contortionists, and verbal masturbators, and fart-lighters are now officially jettisoned from my little project, and I feel much better for it.


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