
The First Milestone

I've today posted my tenth LILT. I actually think it's my best one, and it's version 1.0. It may be that I go back to it, as I have with Ohne Dich, and fail to see a way to improve it. I don't know if that means I'm done with a song. I don't think so. I think they'll be numbered for a fair while yet, just in case...

Odds are I will look my '1.0' songs over at some point, and something will slide into place and I'll have to keep working. Since I'm not on any kind of production schedule I can keep working on these pieces indefinitely, which is something Till doesn't get to do. Once it's recorded it's pinned into the case, like a dead insect, and he can't go back and make changes.

I do feel a drive to get them perfect, but I'm not sure I'm capable of perfection at this point, so I'm not rushing to remove the versioning quite yet. The numbers can be viewed as training wheels. I won't be rid of them until I've peaked.

Ein Lied is a bit special in any case. It's a song that pushes all kinds of buttons for me, at the moment. It's very sweet, and seems light years from harder tracks like Zerstören or Laichzeit, but it's no less Rammstein for all that contrast. The lyrics are particularly pleasant for any real Rammstein fan, as they imply an affection and intimacy that quite honestly can't exist between strangers, as the authors and listeners are. Nonetheless they're like a pat on the back for anyone who loves the music. I wonder if this song is a thank you from the band to every Rammstein fan out there.

I'm not sure which song to tackle next. I've been flicking around the tracks thinking about this, but nothing has jumped out at me. Ein Lied has been on my mind from the start, and I just felt it was a good time today, but for the most part my choices have been fairly spur-of-the-moment. I'll just go with whim, I think.

As an aside, I've gone back to all the current LILT versions and added links to the source lyrics and a YouTube video for each one. I have no idea if everyone who hits this site is a Rammstein fan or not, so I might as well provide context, in case a stranger to Rammstein stumbles upon LILT.


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