
Ich Will Video

Blimey! The Ich Will video works as well as the Du Hast one. It's awesome!

The media darlings in the video don't quite mesh with the insane crap that the media publishes about Rammstein in reality, but the crowd response is probably bang on, and the general madness that surrounds high profile personalities like Rammstein is nailed. There are some pretty mindless Rammstein fans out there, and the press is always hungry to crucify people like these men.

Watching live footage of them perform with crowds singing along, their faces rapt, then body language oriented onto the stage, as though they're trying to put themselves up there with the band, gives me the shivers. I don't know that I wouldn't be the same if I got to see them live, but it's still scary to watch. People are driven by the music and the performances of the band, to the extent that they seem almost mesmerised.

I do like the personalities these guys adopt. Their stage personas are good, and the bad-boys in the video are those to a new level, and with some changes. They're ALL bad to the core in the video.

If you haven't seen this video it's all over YouTube, so check it out. The same goes for the Du Hast one.

Regarding Ich Will, I won't translate this one. I think it's right in German. It will break it to try and reproduce it in English.


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