What happens here?
I do not translate Rammstein Lyrics. I know that doesn't answer the question, but it's the best place to start, because my work gets mistaken for translation so often, despite the fact that I have never used that word to describe what I do here.

I don't speak German. I speak English, and that is where my talents lie. I can write good poetic verse in my native tongue. The same goes for Till Lindemann, the lyricist and front-man for Rammstein. He writes very good poetic verse in his native tongue, German, but though he speaks English he's not so great at writing poetic verse in English.

Aside from not translating Rammstein lyrics I also don't post about the personal lives of the members of Rammstein, as I don't think that this is your business or mine. I don't post rumours as though they are fact, though I make no claim if infallibility. I don't post links to sites that exploit, invade the privacy of, pirate, or otherwise wrong Rammstein either. I may discuss them from time to time, when they really piss me off, but I don't propagate their sins, so you will have to find them yourselves if they interest you.

I don't do all sorts of things.

Probably best to narrow it down a bit, by telling you what I do do:.

I write English lyrics to match Lindemann's German lyrics. I refer to these texts as 'LILTs.' They go through the wringer from one version to the next and are numbered accordingly, until I have either hit a wall or am satisfied myself that I am not going to improve on the lyrics any more. At that point they get promoted to the 'Finished?' pile.

Note that this process in no way involves translation. I work from the existing translations of other people. I write new English lyrics, based on English translations of German lyrics, written by Lindemann. My lyrics are not 'his lyrics, only in English.' My lyrics are my words shaped to work with the music and his singing, as well as to convey the feelings and the general story he is telling. Sometimes I nail it and don't have to alter Till's imagery, but sometimes I need to make major changes in order to get the story across gracefully. Are we clear? Let me know if not...

Also, I post what news I can gather about the band, my views on their work and various situations they end up in on the public stage, and sometimes something completely off the wall. I have an odd kick in my gallop, so occasionally I will post something really off-topic, such as a Formula 1 GP story, news about Combichrist, Apocalyptica, or Gevolt, and other stuff I like. Don't worry if you're only here for the Rammstein gen. Rammstein dominates here, so you won't end up having to wade through my mental tics.

If you like Rammstein in general, Till Lindemann specifically, and/or the process of developing lyrics, be it in your language or mine, you may find this site of interest. Otherwise it will probably not serve you at all and you should probably close this browser tab/window and find something else to wile away your time.

I like Rammstein's work. I particularly admire Lindemann's poetry. I suppose I am a poet myself. Also, in 2009 I suffered a very strange loss, i.e. escape through reading. As someone who was in the habit of reading up to five books a week I found the sudden removal of this solace rather devastating. I realised I had to fill that lack with something new, and looked about me for a suitable substitute. At around the same time I was reintroducing myself to Rammstein after a years of neglect, and I happened to find translations of their lyrics. I was rather stunned at their visual elegance, and after reading them over and over again I found my muse.

Why Rammstein?
While I enjoy an eclectic range of artists I have never found one that manages to convey so much meaning and feeling without a need to understand the lyrics themselves. The textural, dramatic, and rhythmic power of the singing is insane, let alone the driving force of the music. I've never come across anything that inspired me to do something like this until Rammstein.

Why 'LILT?'
The site is all about reworking Till's work. I applied that idea literally and anagrammatically reworked the name Till into Lilt.

What about you?
I am a woman. I am 40 years old. I live in New Zealand, but was born in Sweden. I am the sole content provider for this website, and I credit anyone else who supplies me with information to post. My private life is a closed book.

How can I contact you?
You can email me at lilt@NOSPAMrammstein.me, but be sure to remove the 'NOSPAM' bit first.

Where's your forum?


Absolutely everything posted here that doesn't belong to Till Lindemann, Jeremy Williams, Pilgrim Management, UMG, Rammstein, The Gauntlet, or Rammstein's/Lindemann's publishers is property of Camilla Koutsos ('the site owner') and is held and published under the attribution, non-commercial, no derivative works Creative Commons licence. This allows the content here to be reproduced without charge or explicit permission, so long as it is not altered and the site owner is credited. Everything else is copyright to its respective owners. The site owner reserves all other rights.

Any breach of intellectual property rights on this site is entirely unintentional and will be corrected in a timely fashion once the site owner's attention is brought to it.

Less formally now, I'd just like to say that I respect and protect the rights of others as and when I can. I do not reproduce full content from other sites without permission and/or full credit, and will more often than not cite an excerpt only. I will always choose to link to remote content sources, rather than copy it here, but if I am using an image I will re-host it in order that the source host is not having to handle my traffic. I extend every courtesy I can to others, and I expect that to be reciprocated.

I won't steal your stuff, so please don't steal mine.

Please also note that this site is written for adults. It is not filtered, edited, or censored for children. If your child views this page and you are not happy about this it is suggested that you set up a filtering package on your computer and add this site to it. The site owner will not be responsible or liable for any issues arising from children viewing the site.