

I've had a look around and have found a lot of varied views as to what various Rammstein songs represent, fundamentally. Obviously Lindemann is playing a deep game, because while his lyrics have very vivid imagery with clear superficial meaning there are (apparently) layers, and different people take different things from them. Each song has a story or subject, which is described using metaphors. What's a little confounding is that people are interpreting these stories as metaphors in their own right, i.e. metaphors have been used to convey metaphors.

How many layers are there?

I feel like if I try and find out how many layers any one song has I'll end up peeling off so many I'll end up with a small nub in the end, like peeling an onion, or opening a set of Matryoshka dolls.

While I'm reluctant to do my own work based solely on these deeper layers, due to risk of straying off the track where the obvious meaning is concerned, it is tempting. I've seen some seriously impressive interpretations of the secondary layers, and they can be compelling.

[This is where I reiterate my frustration at not having a direct line into Lindemann's head. We'll just skip over that.]

What all this tells me is that Lindemann is cleverer than he looks, or perhaps a bit crazy. While I've been fairly obscure in my core meaning with the Spark lyrics, there is only one layer there. My intended meaning is directly linked to the metaphor I've used in the words. The entire image conveyed is the single metaphor for the story I'm telling. I haven't used any other devices or deeper layers at all. It's quite simply one great big analogy for an interpersonal situation.

I'm not sure if this makes me less clever than Lindemann, or not. Yes, I'm certainly less talented. You don't need to tell me that, but am I less slick? I'm not sure if his supposed onion-like layers of meaning are a virtue or not, or if they're real or imaginary. I have to admit it's intriguing, but sometimes, with all the analysis and re-interpretation that goes on online, I wonder if it's all bollocks and people are seeing shit that simply isn't there.

This in itself is clever. By remaining fairly uncommunicative about what his core intent is with his poetry Lindemann creates a lot of speculation, which becomes a buzz, which becomes a roar of intellectual contortionism on the part of people who will probably never know the truth. I'm not sure if I should pander to that or not, leaving me tentative about dipping my toe into the pool of ideas.

I have to applaud what he's doing though. God forbid that this man ever stops writing and being published. If Rammstein retires after this album I for one will be hoping Lindemann continues to put his work out there.


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