BDO Timetables
NYC After-Party Report
Nicely Put
A Retro Housewife in a Moshpit
I didn't actually believe they would allow a mosh pit at Madison Square Garden, and right up to the very last minute I expected to find rows of neatly ordered seats up front, but I was wrong, and there was indeed moshing as well as squashing, squishing and exuberant bouncing. All good fun you understand, and as soon as I caught sight of the rather dangerous looking moshing, I grabbed my son's hand and steered him over to a section of the crowd where only squashing, squishing and exuberant bouncing was taking place.
A Series of Loud Reports...
Braingell Radio on NYC
Spin on NYC
Metal Insider on NYC
Phil Freeman (The Village Voice blog) on NYC & possibly his photos
Chart Attack on Montreal
Hopefully they're good reads!
Awesome Sauce, Rammheinz *groan*

Thanks to Caro for the push. I saw this a little while ago, and somehow didn't rate it. So daft...
Waidmanns Heil
Keine Lust
Weisses Fleisch
Feuer frei!
Wiener Blut
Fruhling in Paris
Ich tu dir weh
Du riechst so gut
Links 2-3-4
Du hast
Ich will
Because I can!
Rammlied in NY
As you can see the old 'wall breaching' opener is back. I wonder what response the giant German flag would have got. Probably the same one. I think that crowd was probably at fever pitch already.
Thanks for sharing the video, protyreus.
Olli Interview
Full of Twits?
I'm Not Rammstein
If you're following my tweets because you are under the impression that I am an official source of information please check the @LIFAD stream, as this really is an official Rammstein stream.
For the record, if I ever post information directly from Rammstein I will cite them as my source.
Montreal in the Frame
I <3 Canadians. I need to visit that country.
Lights, Camera, KABOOM!
Also, a shout-out to TheGauntlet's owner, who sold his own tickets for today's show when he realised attending would mean missing his little girl's birthday tomorrow. You're a good guy, TG.
Happy birthday on the morrow for The Gauntletlette!
Also, a big 'mwah!' to Combichrist, who are back, and playing MSG with Rammstein. w00!
These Canadians Are Quick, Aye?
Shots from tonight's...last night's show, booyah! Oh, and there's an article to go with that. I enjoyed Fancy Bitch's comment on that page:
I dont know what drugs you take Mr Kratina, but they must be really f...cking good if you saw them play Mein Teil. When you write a review it would help if you actually went to the show, cause I was there and Mein Teil did NOT play.
Set-List Reverts
Lynch's Good Day
It doesn't send shivers up my spine or make me want to Hulk Smash anything, but it's not too shoddy. Given Rammstein's history with David Lynch I think a Rammstein remix of this track would complete the circle nicely. Any electronica piece can benefit from a bit of Rammstein riffage and percussive roughage. I don't think it would hurt to replace Lynch's vocoderfied crowing with Till's rather gorgeous bass baritone either...
More Photos from Brazil
Rammstein Shop USA

If You're in Mexico
Gorgeous Brazil Photos
A Fitting Tribute
Album download 1
Album download 2
If you download these please follow his channel and rate his pieces on YouTube. These easy steps are a small price to pay for his work.
Brazil Photos
¿Las putas?
In all honesty I wouldn't know how to feel if I were invited on-stage for a song lyrically addressing a whore, as these female fans were. It seems like a pretty back-handed compliment. Kudos to those chicas for getting up there though. That takes cojones...so to speak ;)
Olli Speaks Too!
A translation of the Spanish is kindly provided by SkeletonCrew, along with the source link itself:
Hello, I'm Oliver of Rammstein. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here in Chile. We have a friend in Berlin who is Chilean and told us a lot about his country and we are very happy to play here.
How has it been in Chile?
-I feel very good in Chile, the people are nice and happy. The people that attended to us in the airport were friendly and polite. The Rammstein fans were in a frenzy but without being extreme.
Rammstein has always had to deal with censorship...
-We come from a socialy rigid system in which art is a mean for escape. We rebelled against the system. After the wall came down we formed the band.
Rammstein has controversial lyrics...
-It's our way of venting. But we don't see it as agressive but as a way of expressing ourselves.
Rammstein fuses Industrial sounds with Metal. How did this combination come about?
-There's 6 of us in the band and we all have our own influences. And out of that came Rammstein.
What do you expect from the Santiago (Chile) concert?
-We don't know what to expect...Tomorrow we'll do a show with fire, but it wont be the same as in Europe. It'll be a spectacular show with lights, music and fire. At the end we'll play Liebe ist für alle da and we'll do some kind of theatrical act with the song...
Further to this a correction of the German to Spanish translation comes from Ganxxxter on Herzeleid:
"Translation fail of RockNvivo.com.
Olli talks about the LIFAD album, not the song.
In fact, Olli says that: "Letztenendes (=letztendlich) spielen wir jetzt die Show zu LIFAD und das ist dann eigentlich schon wie ein Theaterstück, wo alles einstudiert ist."
In English: "After all we play the show for LIFAD and that is actually a (theatre) play, where everything is studied."
In addition, he never said that the song LIFAD will be the last song of the concert."
Reise Reise Ad
The original online publication of this ad was by Pierrick of Rammstein World.
Chile Set-List
Waidmanns Heil
Weisses Fleisch
Keine Lust
Feuer Frei!
Wiener Blut
Fhruling in Paris [sic]
Mein Teil
Du Riechst so Gut
Links 2-3-4
Du Hast
Ich Will
Ich Tu´Dir Weh
Te Quiero Puta
Contrary to rumours of a severely truncated and almost LIFAD-free set punters got the full bang for their buck.
New RZK Interview
Best Headline Act?
Now take your stinking bias and go and vote.
Till Speaks (Really)
Alice in WTFland
THE SUN: I REALISE it's hard to tell, behind the mask of Alice, but is there anything that ever makes you blush?
ALICE: I did when I gave the female lead singer in my band, Tiffany, something called a Rammstein Box set as a present. I had no idea of its contents, which turned out to be an assortment of anatomically correct but exaggerated representations of the band.
New 'Best of' Album in 2011
Rammstein go on Safari
Win Rammstein's Entire Catalogue
Chilean Support
Apocalyptica Tour Postponement
We wanted to let you know that sadly we are having to reschedule the current run of US dates to the beginning of March 2011. This is due to issues with Perttu's health; we have taken the advice of several doctors before making this decision. We are working on all details and more information for you right now, and of course we will keep you fully informed!
If you're planning to attend note these changes and watch the band's various community channels for updates, so you can adjust your plans accordingly. Get well soon, Perttu.
Dildos on Sale - Gwarn!
And please do ask Alan Cross why he knows about this...
Rammstein Back in the Studio
...the band has visited a studio on the outskirts of Berlin in the past week...
This comes along with the information that rehearsals have begun again for the next leg of the LIFAD tour. Awesome.
Silvijo's Portraiture
Ping! Pong!
Let's Recce The Place
"The goal was to see what kind of demand there really is," he says. "It has been made really clear to us that thousands of people were unable to get tickets, and it's great to see that there is a market here for the band, and our goal is to build that."
Hopefully the *waaaaaaah!* haters will shut up.
Wes Borland & Combichrist
Ugly Buttons
Share or not, as you will, and if you have an opinion about them let me know.
She's a Sweety

We All Live in Canada
Fire-loving German industrial band Rammstein is apparently booked for a show at the Bell Centre on Dec. 9, with opening act Combichrist. Tickets cost $39.50 to $74.50 and go on sale Saturday at noon at the venue and through Evenko. Order by phone at 514-790-2525 or online at www.evenko.ca.
Combichrist once again drum the crowd up as openers.
LIFAD One Year On
RRF: Madison Square Garden Sales
Source: The Gauntlet.
TG has NY Tickets...for YOU
The New Rammstein Website
Flaming Nightmare - We Like
Posted on: September 30 2010
Do you like Germans? Explosions? Then you’re gonna love Rammstein. Formed in the mid-nineties in Berlin, the industrial metal band (is there a stronger sounding musical genre out there? I doubt it) have sold over fifteen million records. Folks who see Rammstein performing in the flesh are not only delighted by the group’s fetching onstage outfits, but also their tendency to SET THEMSELVES ON FIRE for a lark. The whole thing sounds like an OH&S* nightmare but fear not - frontman Till Lindemann is actually a licensed pyrotechnician.
I also rather like the way one YouTube user has summed up the band in just seven words.
“Flame gun is cool, Rammstein are awesome”
I know one German chap here in NZ who hates Rammstein, but loves their live show. That says it all, really.
*Occupational Health & Safety
Win Tickets to Madison Square Garden
Incoherent Copyright Infringement Story
Russian commies in Rammstein row
Source Andy Potts at 07/10/2010
Communists in Nizhny Novgorod face a potential copyright row after mimicking the art work and music of cult German rock band Rammstein in their campaign materials.
But while a court in the city considers whether their video ad has stolen from the band, others might question borrowing from a group once described as “poster boys for the master race” and accused of Nazi sympathies.
Nizhny communist chief Nikolai Ryabov defended himself against charges of plagiarism, saying that experts had yet to confirm that the music was even by Rammstein and not a cover version or a similar band, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported.
There is a serious lack of detail, such as the title, date, author, and publisher of the original (Pravda?) article, background on the (false) implications of Nazism in the band, or any useful information as to the stage this case has reached. We have no way to know when this case was brought, whether or not it has been dismissed, or if there will be further proceedings with regard to whether or not the song is a Rammstein track. This is the internet. There is no excuse for the omission of proper citations or missing source links.
Does anyone have a link to any real reporting about this story?
Update 2010.10.08: Eva has very kindly provided links to better stories in the comments for this item - thanks Eva :)
RRF: Snow White
Source: Wikipedia.
Rammstein Uruguay Album
Sydney 2
Combichrist Back for NY Show
Beware the Scams
Broken Pieces
Apocalyptica's second 7th Video
@apocalypticafi Heute, 11:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit, Deutschland Premiere des neuen Videos von Apocalyptica's zweiter Single "Broken... http://fb.me/KpmtQgAK
I'm thinking that was around 15 minutes ago. Okay, so I was late, but at least the news is still fresh. This is the second video from the latest album, and the song, like opener End of Me, is incredibly catchy. End of me featured Gavin Rossdale, who was absolutely stellar. Broken Pieces is lit up by Lacey, and I have to say I find her just as compelling, though Broken pieces is the extent of my experience of her.
Update: here it is:
Making Monsters
WARNING: This stream may lead to album purchase.
Voxy Music
A decade since ruling over BIG DAY OUT with a reign of fire, pyrotechnics, monstrous riffs, wicked humour and industrial savagery, RAMMSTEIN will return this summer to reclaim their sovereign territory. The RAMMSTEIN live experience is "dizzyingly ridiculous", says the BBC. "Rock is at its best when confrontational, subversive, curiously camp and bold, which is why RAMMSTEIN are currently one of the most important bands in the genre." Armed with their sixth album, Liebe ist fr [sic] Alle da, Germany's infamous techno-metal masters bring nothing less than the greatest show on earth: "RAMMSTEIN are in pulverising form, the crowd are going crazy, the atmosphere is electric and the firebombs launching from the stage are like World War III on apocalypse LSD" (The Quietus, February 2010). Bow down to your kings, BIG DAY OUT 2011, for RAMMSTEIN have returned.
Nice. Note the emphasis in this quote is not mine. I am not alone in my shoutiness.
Rammstein Remarks USA
...Everything for this show is perfect - the timing, the season. We are really pumped to return to the States to play Madison Square Garden – this is one of the most challenging shows for us in 10 years...
- Olli
So go on, America. Do anything to get to that show and show them it's worth booking more shows on another leg. Nobody wants another ten years to pass without any US shows.
Rammstein is COMING
Here's what is being said down here:
Rammstein are brining six containers of pyro gear and dildos. ‘Pussy’ was my favourite single in recent memory. I can’t wait to see this live, with backing flames and pelvic thrusts.
- David Farrier - local Twit (and journalist)
The return of several major rock acts - especially German shock-metallers Rammstein and aggressive Sacramento band Deftones - will please Big Day Out fans who complained that artists like Bjork, Dizzee Rascal, Arcade Fire and Neil Young had made the main stage a little soft in recent years.
- Stuff (NZ)
Heavy metal giants Tool and Rammstein are the big names heading to Auckland in January next year as the Big Day Out announces the first of its line-up.
- TVNZ (er NZ, and LOL at Rammstein being heavy metal giants - the metalheads will be pfft!ing themselves silly)
I'll post anything and everything that seems remotely interesting to me, as it comes to hand...with emphasis on the good stuff.
Big Day Out
Rammstein, Rammstein

Well, Richard's complete lack of subtlety has come to the fore (read the first answer). His remark that his ideal gig would be at Madison Square Garden in New York has been explained. Rammstein are going to America for a single NY show. Is it, as Richard said, a recce 'to feel out, like, if there is a need for us, are people waiting for us, what can we do, what would be the next step' or is this it? The US griefers are going to have conniptions.
For those who don't follow links, Rammstein will play one live show at Madison Square Gardens, December 11. Tickets go on sale October 8. More details will be forthcoming.
Believe It When I See It
The BDO rumour-mill is going a bit nuts, apparently. I wouldn't know. I'm so out of touch with the music industry my fake smile has rusted over and my air-kissing skills are absolutely nil. It's been more than fifteen years since I attended a major event. I am clueless. The Music Network has it that Rammstein is one of the rumoured acts for BDO 2011. It's probably utter fiction, but oh boy, I wish...
An Oasis in the Desert
Hello? Is this thing on?
* Just the first one.
Knebworth Video with a Difference
Mexico Too
The new RAMMFIRE amp emulation was developed in close collaboration with one of Rammstein's guitarists, Richard Z. Kruspe, and models the original recording chain that is behind the band's trademark guitar sound. It can be used both as an expansion to the amplifier arsenal in GUITAR RIG 4 and as an individual product in combination with the free GUITAR RIG 4 PLAYER.
For those of you not familiar, Paul has spoken about Guitar Rig.
Knebworth's Legend
William's Song a Day
AKAR I: Joachim Witt - Krieger Des Licht
AKAR II: Eisbrecher - Mein Blut
AKAR III: Unheilig - Schutzengel
Update -
AKAR IV: Oomph! - Das Weiße Licht
AKAR V: Megaherz - Heuchler
AKAR VI: Stahlhammer - Herz Aus Stahl
AKAR VII: Letzte Instanz - Für Immer Und Ewig
I'll post any further AKAR posts he might make in the next few days to this article, so come back here in a few days if you are pleased by his first three AKAR posts.
We're in a lull, and it's actually quite nice for me, especially given that I have recently started a new and very time-consuming job. It means that I'm not the only Rammstein source who is not giving you what you want!
That said, I have some plans for content, and will be posting that at some point this weekend. It's not news. It's just LILT-appropriate content, so it's not going to be earth-shattering, but it may help you fritter away some Rammstein-appreciation time.
There's not a lot going on in the world of German manliness. I'll figure out something. Maybe I can finally finish my ITDW video review, or write one for Haifisch. Whatever it is I promise it won't be the deathly silence of the past few days...
Rock Band 3 + Rammstein = Du Hast, Really?
Sex, Fires, and Teutonic Escape
...All Quiet on the Stage Front
The concert opener was, of course, “Rammstein.” As the slow keyboard intro kicked in, vocalist Till Lindemann, wearing a heavy-looking silver-colored trenchcoat and goggles, walked up to his mike, opened his arms and, at the very first word of the lyrics (“RAMM! STEIN!”), he caught fire. All over his back and arms.
There’s no describing the effect on the audience...
...What followed was more than anyone could have asked for. Everything caught fire: the instruments, the mike stands, the musicians. Flames burst out of flash pots downstage. Halfway through the show, the lead singer grabbed what looked like an oversized crossbow and shot something like a navy flare up at the skies. After we had followed its arch like a batted baseball, a torrent of sparks started to shower from the crossbow’s curve as Lindemann spun it across the stage, in a magnificent Olympic display. Scratch that – it was better than anything we’d ever seen at the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games...
...When it was over, we walked away to have a beer as the Kiss concert went by. Who cared about their gimmicky cardboard 3-D glasses after watching the stage explode...
The article is basically all about the impression Rammstein has made on this guy over the years, and it's a good read. Sorry for the sex line, by the way. There really is nothing erotic about the story...oh, apart from the Banging Buggery of Büch Dich.
Sonisphere - Almost Done With...
Saturday headliners Rammstein came out swinging with their furious industrial metal. The reaction from the crowd was massive, fuelled by one of the most intense stage shows in the world. Arriving with six lorries of pyrotechnic equipment, Rammstein set about using all of it, from flame throwing guitars to fire-breathing masks and pyro-jets shooting from the floor, not to mention the fireworks shooting up from behind the backdrop. Cynics might say that Rammstein use this extravagant display to distract the crowd from less talented musicianship, but this was not so. The band played very well together and really gave the following day's line-up something to think about.
Noise Collection - LILT does a 180
Then today I found a Combichrist album in the NZ iTunes store that I hadn't previously checked out, so I went through the samples and found that Andy's acid-bath-screams seemed minimal. I took a punt and bought it, and I've been listening to it on and off all day.
The verdict? It's a solid and very stylish piece of viscerally percussive noise. The textures are varied and well-married, and it definitely has a sense of humour. In short, it rocks. In fact if I were playing it in my car rather than via my stupidly expensive canalphones I would definitely be feeling the beats in my liver. This makes me very happy. Check it out if you get a chance.
New Silvijo Photos

It's interesting looking at all the pictures that have been coming out during the tour. The vast majority photographing both Rammstein and Combichrist have been fairly samey and uninspiring, despite the subject matter, but a few have really stood out. They include Silvijo, Christian Hjorth, and these people. The more the better, as far as I am concerned.
My friend Maggie has posted her interview with RZK for her paper. She disclaims all responsibility for the title. Blame her editor!
The interview is great, taking Richard outside the usual, and deliberately keeping him off the straight and narrow, without being too pushy. Good job, Maggie. This is the best RZK interview I have read.
To top off her extraordinary dip into Rammstein waters she has also published her review of the Quebec show here. Awesome!
Pyro FX House Site
...Their new futuristic mascot makes a welcome appearance but, in general, their whole set is, sadly, lacking in fireworks – and I mean literally as well as metaphorically. At the end of the day, it’s great to see them up there but when they fail to match Rammstein sonically and pyrotechnically, you can actually hear the Sonisphere ball deflating.
Sonisphere Fan Writers Have Their Say
“For a show that featured so much pyro, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was all about the visuals. “Ich Will” and “Sonne” would have quickly put you right though. A band that clearly cares about delivering a performance, Rammstein didn’t disappoint. They have surely won a new throng of fans over with this one.”– Janusz Jasinski
– Claire Nice
“Word on the street was that Rammstein were going to tear Knebworth a new one. That they did, as well as burning everyone alive, rebuilding them, only to tear ‘em up again. Everything you’ve heard about the German industrial metallers was unequivocally displayed on Saturday night. From eyeball frying pyrotechnics set to classics such as Du Hast, to frontman Till Lindeman riding a giant foam spewing dick to porn-anthem Pussy, they held Knebworth in the palm of their hands (or groins) and brought Saturday to a knee trembling close.”
“Rammstein literally blew all comers aside, ensuring they were the undisputed kings of Knebworth and that any other band using pyrotechnics this weekend would look like losers. The fact that a German band singing exclusively in German had the crowd in the palm of their hands from start to finish speaks volumes. Perfect.”– Chris Cooper
You can read more by following the link above.
WH Times: Rammstein Stole the Show
...But it wasn’t just the music that captured the imagination.
For Rammstein had brought nine articulated lorries with them from Berlin, containing a total of, ahem, 22 tonnes of pyrotechnics.
In the run-up to the festival, organiser Stuart Galbraith said the show would incorporate the biggest firework and special effects display he’d put on in 25 years in the music business...
It's a nice write-up, as the closing words show:
...For it is, and no doubt will remain, one of the best gigs I’ve ever had the pleasure of going to see.
Go and read the rest.
Metal Hammer Best Album Award for Rammstein
Sorry about this morning. Today was the first day of my new job, and I really didn't want to be late. I ended up late in any case, as there are road works going on all over the place in central Wellington right now, including on the motorway, but at least I tried.
Here's the source of the information I posted then (GLT - original German here). That link comes courtesy of Tempelhüter.
Metal Hammer Award - Best Album
Free Apocalyptica Track
Muso's Guide on Knebworth
Rammstein’s Saturday night headline performance is over-the-top and brilliant. Their first ever UK festival appearance is full of fireworks and flame-throwers, and the German industrial metal band pump out some heavy foreign tunes. At one point, a “punter” jumps on stage, catches on fire, and is “rescued” by some stage technicians. It’s all staged – but it looks convincing and leaves us a bit rattled. They close out their set with a cannon that shoots foam and confetti at the crowd, and keyboardist Flake crowd surfs on a mini boat.
Metal Injection's Take on Knebworth
Rammstein managed to steal Sonisphere, set it on fire several times in increasingly imaginative ways and then douse it in foamy semen from a giant cock cannon. Literally. With a stage set that involved burning stuntmen, a fire breathing Lindeman and crystal clear sound, a high standard of musicianship and fuel consumption is set by the German pyromaniacs who managed to crowdsurf in a rubber dingy boat and get 55,000 people screaming the lyrics to Pussy.
Lolito De Palermo Shots

I think the Olli picture was taken during Frühling in Paris, and it looks like it has a PS smart-blur on it. It's very simple and very beautiful.
Metal Hammer
You might be forgiven for thinking you had stumbled upon a Broadway production, such was the magnificence of Rammstein’s live performance. We all know they have a proclivity for the grand, but it’s still an incredible sight to watch this multi-ton metal juggernaut in action.
Music Radar on Rammstein at Knebworth
While Mötley get the party started, Rammstein take the night in a very different direction - from a carnival to a downright freak show. There's explosions, pyro and the flamethrower-wielding Till Lindermann, although no bearded ladies, unfortunately. Luckily they have the tunes to back up the gimmicks (although we're not sure whether setting someone on fire counts as a gimmick), as 'Du Hast', 'Sonne' and 'Feuer Frei' blast out of the wall of speakers with ten times the power of anything else we've heard today. After 90 minutes we're exhausted, the front row's eyebrows are singed and it's the end of Saturday at Sonisphere…
Haifisch Plus Drums
I found this on Joe's Combichrist blog.
Knebworth Set-List
Intro (?)
Keine Lust
Feuer Frei
Weiner Blut
Frühling in Paris
Ich Tu Dir Weh
Du Riechst So Gut
Du Hast
Ich Will
Are they confusing Flake for a vocalist, and is Intro the opening of Rammlied? I have to assume so as, by all accounts, Flake was the sailor and there is no intro' track.
I've also read some first-hand accounts saying that the crowd were utter wankers by Rammstein standards, shoving, and being generally much more aggressive than Rammstein fans are accustomed to. After months of reading Rammstein show reports I've come to the conclusion that inconsiderate moshing and small chick squishing crowd behaviour is the exception, rather than the rule, at dedicated Rammstein shows, and the festival season has proven to be a bit hard on Rammstein's less physically robust fans.
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi! :D
Knebworth Shots - Nigel Crane

Click on the image or check out image six in the gallery to see the detail.
Getting Wasted & Laid
There is a short Kerrang (podcast) interview with Schneider and RZK about their Inspiration award 3 m 38 s into the video below:
Click here to have the video load at the right time, automagically.
Official Confirmation for Latin America
November 25th, Santiago, Chile
November 27th, Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 30th, Sao Paulo, Brazil
December 3rd, Bogota, Colombia
December 6th, Mexico City, Mexico
Rammstein Mexico Slash-Dotted
Official confirmations (by the organizers)
Remaining dates to be confirmed...
- 25 de Noviembre / Estadio Bicentenario La Florida / Chile
- 27 de Noviembre / Racing / Argentina
- 30 de Noviembre / Via Funchal / Brasil
- 03 de Diciembre / CEC Centro de Eventos y Espectáculos Sopó. / Colombia
- 06 de Diciembre / Palacio de los Deportes / México
- 07 de Diciembre / Palacio de los Deportes / México (Por confirmar)
- 09 de Diciembre / Monterrey / (Por confirmar)
Kerrang Inspiration Award
Sonisphere Knebworth Times from the Times
Bogota to Burn?
Thanks to the ubiquitous Tempelhüter for the Bogota link.
Win Sonisphere Tickets - Part 4
Which legendary British heavy metal band will close the main stage on Sunday?
a) Iron Maiden
b) AC/DC
c) Metallica
Send your answer to Sonisphere Festival Competition, WHT, 31a Howardsgate, WGC, Herts, AL8 6AP or email comps@whtimes.co.uk
Remember to include your name, age, address, telephone number and email address. But hurry, the closing date is Monday, July 26 at noon.
Travel to and from Knebworth is not included in the prize.
Normal Archant rules apply.
* Archant Ltd may wish to contact you about special offers and services by email from time to time.
If you WOULD like to be contacted by email please include your email address on your postal entry or mark your email entry with ‘Agreed to contact’.
* For ticket details, info on camping and the full festival line-up, go to the Sonisphere Festivals website, see link above.
Extreme Idol
Paavo Interview
Knebworth Survivor's Guide
What three essentials would you pack for Sonisphere?
Lucy: “Wet wipes, spare phone battery, TICKET.”
Mark: “Bog roll, condoms, sun tan lotion cos its going to be HOT.”
Zac: “A sun hat to keep sun and rain off, wet wipes and ear plugs.”
Twitter: “More socks, a good tent that you can sit in and my Metal Just got Gay t-shirt for the pit.”
Alan: “Beer, whiskey and vodka.”
Steve: “Money, phone, shades.”
Win Sonisphere Tickets - Part 3
Apocalyptica Wish You Were There
Those Mexican fans are obviously exhausting.
DW Video Article
Sehnsucht.DK and its staff feature, so a shout out to them! Here is one of the surprisingly few Rammstein articles DW's website posts.
Schneider Interviewed in Quebec
It sounds like Flake lost the hearing in one ear when he got sick in 2001. Does anyone know if he got that back, or if it was permanent? Also, Schneider's English is getting better and better.
More Quebec Photos
Musik Universe Review & Photos from Canada

A major treat is that RZK has ditched the helmet haircut in favour of a very flattering and much more age-appropriate look. The emo-kid style just did nothing for him.
Till Rather Sweet, But Extreme
"He likes harmony and dislike conflict. It's really a team player. It is not like other singers with a big ego. If the group decides to go in a certain direction, it is always in agreement. "
But that does not stop him from going to extremes in other spheres of its existence, described with humor Kruspe.
Awesome Live Combichrist Photos
Christ Combichrist
Damn :(
I really wanted to like their work, because I've developed a bit of a crush on Joe Letz, Combichrist's most verbose, maturity-impaired, cute-as-a-button drummer, whose inane musings on Vampire Freaks give me so much enjoyment (he makes me feel old but in a good way).
Sorry Joe. I meant to become a fan of your band, but it's just not going to happen unless Andy stops using his ARGH-I'M-DYING-IN-A-BATH-OF-ACID voice. Lets face it, the dude has the lungs for it. He just has all the modulation of a defective paper shredder.
Paul Interview (French)
Q You do not hate the controversy, but do you think that sometimes went too far and that it could hurt you?
R is not offensive just for the sake of shocking. [...] The challenge is a natural component of our work. We do not ask if we make too much or not enough. This is not artificial, it's just something that comes with the way we create. Sometimes it is necessary that slows a bit, but we can live the consequences of what one does.
Thanks Gonzalo, from Rammstein Uruguay, for the link.
Apocalyptica Post End of Me Video to YouTube
South America in November?
...Pour ce faire, le groupe de métal industriel a même dû faire venir la scène par bateau jusqu'à Québec.
«Ça faisait très longtemps que nous souhaitions venir en Amérique du Nord et l'organisation [du Festival d'été] nous en a donné l'occasion», nous at-il expliqué en allemand avec l'aide d'un traducteur anglais.
Le concert, qui est présenté en exclusivité nord-américaine, doit servir de prélude, voire de répétition à une longue tournée mondiale de trois ans qui débuterait en novembre.
Après le concert, les six musiciens (le chanteur Till Lindemann, les guitaristes Richard Zven Kruspe et Paul H. Landers, le bassiste Oliver Riedel, le batteur Christoph Schneider et le claviériste Christian Lorenz) laisseront derrière eux la scène afin qu'elle soit récupérée en novembre pour les premières dates de la tournée en Amérique du Sud.
...To do this, the industrial metal band has even had to bring the scene by boat to Quebec.
"It was very long as we wanted to come to North America and the organization [Summer Festival] has given us the opportunity," he told us in German, with the help of an English translator.
The concert, presented the exclusive North American to serve as a prelude to even repeat a long world tour of three years starting in November.
After the concert, the six musicians (singer Till Lindemann, guitarists Richard Kruspe and Paul H. Zven Landers, bassist Oliver Riedel, Christoph Schneider drummer and keyboardist Christian Lorenz) leave behind the stage so it is recovered in November for the first tour dates in South America.
There is no confirmation on the official site yet.
Joe Cutez

It's his new Russian do. It's called Dr Seuss.
Vettel (Off-Topic)
I really love this driver, and he didn't let me down this time, ending classified seventh place from the back of the pack in lap one. I have a tendency to pick a driver and stick with them for a season, but I have been really impressed by Vettel for years now, and it has become stupidly important to me that he does well.
Oddly, it's Vettel, and my association of a German win with joy through him, that lead me to support Germany after New Zealand (undefeated baybee, yeah!) were eliminated from the World Cup, rather than Rammstein or any other aspect of German culture that I admire.
Pair that with the talented and likable Mark Webber and you have a team designed to hold my attention. Go RBR!
Okay, that's the end of my off-topicness for the day. It wasn't as bad as I anticipated.
Awesome Sauce
At twenty past midnight on the dot and with no warning, an explosive boom erupted and the curtain fell to the floor, to reveal a German flag, covering the entire expanse of the stage. As primal screams of unadulterated excitement united the swelling crowd, this too fell to the floor to reveal the six members of Rammstein, split over two levels.
And so the greatest festival show of all time ignited once more in a blitz of pyrotechnics and strobe lighting...
...We’re still trying to rationalise the experience of this show which was like nothing we have ever seen before. Perhaps they will come later, but for now we simply don’t have the words to convey just what an extraordinarily mind-blowing live phenomenon Rammstein are, especially in the festival field.
It's My Birthday
Garçon! Diesel!
I must say that I can't think of a higher level of service than to have your drinks order taken, mid-song, by a man simultaneously holding sway over 10,000-plus maddened rock fans. Yes please!
WineTweet 1
WineTweet 2
For Good

Sonisphere Pimps Rammstein
“We’re all like little children,” explains lead guitarist Richard Z Kruspe. “We never really want to grow up and we want to play with a lot of toys.”
Yeah, really flamey, burny, ouchy toys. YAY!
LILT: Roter Sand 1.1
For one love with one heartfelt vow
I said I'll come back to you
With sorrow I break my word now
As his bullet has got through
For one love our two pistols duel
One is levelling on me
He says that it is me who stole you
You love me yet
He can't see
Red sand and of two cartridges
One dies in a powdered mess
The second unerring round is his
And lodged deep within my chest
For one love and one heartfelt vow
So much blood runs from my mouth
And I won't be avenged now
Senseless, I fall to the ground
For one love with two pistols aimed
One was much more quickly drawn
Regrettably it was not mine
You belong to him
Red sand and of two cartridges
One dies in a powdered mess
The second unerring round is his
And lodged deep within my chest
Red sand and white doves attending
Feeding themselves on my blood
In the end there must be an ending
So my life has served some good
Red sand and of two cartridges
One dies in a powdered mess
The second unerring round is his
And lodged deep within my chest
Pink & Rammstein?
That or get someone to LILT some Till lyrics for her to sing with them or record a cover with. I'd be game.
Rammstein in the Pink
Rammstein show was the best show I've EVER seen, not knowing words. Holy shit. I want to be in a metal band. I want to invite them to dinner
End of Me Video Out
The full version is on their site.
RZK with red hair, perhaps after someone has confiscated his cigarettes? Grumpy.
Rammstein's music, live show, and public life are authored to fuck with the programme. On the latest album there's a heartfelt Piaf tribute about the deflowering of a young man, a very poppy pop song about European sex tourism, and a heavy anthem about Rammstein and its fans. If you got the bonus disk you can listen a very pretty track about the rape of a goose-girl, and a operatic piece centred around the image of conjoined twins. The live show includes as much drama and choreography as any classical ballet, and a foam canon dressed up as a cock. The front-man only opens his mouth to sing and otherwise stands back and stares, and their lyrics are almost entirely German. Yes, fuck the programme. Let's just confuse the uninitiated and drive our fans to distraction, shall we?
To me Rammstein resemble nothing so much as a grain of sand in an oyster's shell. Consider the grain of sand. It gets into the oyster shell and irritates the shit out of the oyster. The oyster is forced to protect itself by coating the grain with crystalline calcium carbonate, and the end product is a pearl, and an overwrought oyster.
Despite the fact that their albums are coherent, thematic, and well-balanced Rammstein manage to avoid fitting into any pigeonhole you might care to invent for them. The tracks are distinct and disturbing, the hooks and riffs keep your body involved, even if you stop consciously listening, and that's without considering the actual meaning of the lyrics, around which this site is built.
Rammstein's stock in trade is their live performance, which I have never experienced. If they don't come down this way I expect to turn out a lot of pearls. Please support this Facebook group, and save me a lot of frustration.