
Incoherent Copyright Infringement Story

Read this article:
Russian commies in Rammstein row
Source Andy Potts at 07/10/2010

Communists in Nizhny Novgorod face a potential copyright row after mimicking the art work and music of cult German rock band Rammstein in their campaign materials.

But while a court in the city considers whether their video ad has stolen from the band, others might question borrowing from a group once described as “poster boys for the master race” and accused of Nazi sympathies.

Nizhny communist chief Nikolai Ryabov defended himself against charges of plagiarism, saying that experts had yet to confirm that the music was even by Rammstein and not a cover version or a similar band, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported.

There is a serious lack of detail, such as the title, date, author, and publisher of the original (Pravda?) article, background on the (false) implications of Nazism in the band, or any useful information as to the stage this case has reached. We have no way to know when this case was brought, whether or not it has been dismissed, or if there will be further proceedings with regard to whether or not the song is a Rammstein track. This is the internet. There is no excuse for the omission of proper citations or missing source links.

Does anyone have a link to any real reporting about this story?

Update 2010.10.08: Eva has very kindly provided links to better stories in the comments for this item - thanks Eva :)


  1. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article/247044/vybory_na_fone_rammstein&act=url

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