Gutted. I LOVE Combichrist's music, but I can't fucking stand the vocals. This really bums me out. Every song I have checked out today has been awesome, and then Andy has kicked in and the love has been smeared all over a glass-spiked, faeces-spattered wall of FUCK.
Damn :(
I really wanted to like their work, because I've developed a bit of a crush on Joe Letz, Combichrist's most verbose, maturity-impaired, cute-as-a-button drummer, whose inane musings on Vampire Freaks give me so much enjoyment (he makes me feel old but in a good way).
Sorry Joe. I meant to become a fan of your band, but it's just not going to happen unless Andy stops using his ARGH-I'M-DYING-IN-A-BATH-OF-ACID voice. Lets face it, the dude has the lungs for it. He just has all the modulation of a defective paper shredder.
Maybe you will like the new album Making Monsters more!