
Note About Rhythm

I've been pulling together these adaptions of Till's work using English, but I've not really been taking into account how inconsistent and varied the language is in my notes and asides to you, the readers.

An example is the word 'forehead'. I pronounce it fohr'd, so it's pretty much one syllable. Naturally, I do understand that some people say it like four-head, two syllables, which take a bit longer to say, and probably completely arse up the rhythmic balance of line two in the last two verses of Mutter.

If you're reading through my LILTs while listening to the songs, and feel something's way out of whack please look at the words and consider whether or not there's more than one way to pronounce any of the words involved. There is a chance my pronunciation isn't the one you're immediately calling to mind when you read the LILT.

Also, some multi-syllabic words are truncated commonly, and I do rely on that in places. One example, 'thunderous', which is often said thund'rous, falls into this category.

Yes, this is cheating. I'm taking advantage of laziness and oddities in the English language, but hell, what on earth is poetic licence for, if not ripping your mother-tongue a new one now and then?


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