

I just found a really old Swedish interview (in English) on You Tube, with Schneider and Till. You can watch the really stunningly bad quality (totals around 30 minutes) here:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Aside from the nasty compression this interview strikes me as being a really good example of what happens when someone who is utterly devoid of humour encounters someone with a healthy sense of the ridiculous. The interviewer is absolutely lacking a funny-bone, and misses points, doesn't get jokes, and swallows Till's 'reptile sushi' crap without batting an eyelid. He also laughs at completely inappropriate moments, like the doctor in The Simpsons. It's almost embarrassing to watch.

The reason I'm remarking this is Rammstein has a mischievous streak a mile wide. This band is definitely not taking itself terribly seriously. There's also stuff like this out there, yet Germans have a reputation for being humourless. I'm wondering where that comes from, because it would seem to me to be an urban myth. Maybe all the fun Germans were behind the wall...



  1. I can't help but wonder if I'm going to cop a load of flak from West Germans for this post. If I do they'll prove my point for me though :)

    (That should hold them off)

  2. I watched the videos. One could really sense the awkwardness that the interviewer felt. Rammstein-guys just kind of made a joke of it all. Funny.
    Now I´ll finnish my text. Moikka ja hyvät päivänjatkot :)

  3. Haha! Cool :)

    Yeah, they might as well have been on different planets, for all the connection they made.
