Extra Wuhlheide Tickets
If you wanted to go and missed out there are some more tickets for the May 21 & 22 shows.
Haifisch Video on iTunes
I just bought it. The NZ iTunes store is generally incredibly tragic when it comes to selection and time, so I expect those of you in more Rammstein-oriented markets should have it too. ITDW was only available in the NZ store for a short while and the only video available until Haifisch just turned up was Benzin.
Anyway, if you're interested go and see if it's in your store.
Anyway, if you're interested go and see if it's in your store.
Haifisch Single
The Gauntlet has confirmed the tracklist:
1 Haifisch (Single edit)
2 Haifisch (Haiswing remix by Olsen Involtini)
3 Rammlied (Hurts Remix)
4 Ich tu dir weh (Schwefelgelb Remix)
I was going to start a new Rammstein song tonight, but I had such an awful drive home from work that I'm just drying off, warming up, and attempting to forget...all the cars rushing past in the pitch black and torrential rain, while I tried to fix windscreen wipers on the side of the highway...
Total Collapse
Yes, this is about Rammstein, but no, it's not bad news about the band. It is a weird story about the dream I woke up from this morning, before a migraine left me in a stupor. Because of the migraine this post is slow work, with a lot of corrected typographical and spelling errors (I become slightly dyslexic when I get them), but more detailed than my usual dream recollections, because I've been lying here much of the day ruminating on the story with my eyes closed, since there was nothing else to do.
There were three odd features of the dream: partial sensory deprivation, pain, and odour. You'll see what I mean if you keep reading.
I don't remember the dream before the point I start at, but I do remember it had something to do with windows. Yeah, who knows!
It was a surreal, but incredibly real dream. My alarm woke me up while we were still lying there in the dark, in pain, and without any signs of rescue. If this dream means anything I don't want to know about it, but figured I'd share it with you anyway, since the very fact that you're reading this site indicates that have have some interest in Till Lindemann.
There were three odd features of the dream: partial sensory deprivation, pain, and odour. You'll see what I mean if you keep reading.
I don't remember the dream before the point I start at, but I do remember it had something to do with windows. Yeah, who knows!
My recollection starts with me standing in an internal corridor, around 20 metres wide, inside a large sports arena. It was identical to the largest sports arena in the region of New Zealand I live in, but wasn't, if you know what I mean. In my dream it was a place in Berlin. Because the arena is circular the corridor was curved. I was standing there, about 15 metres away from a large man in a heavy overcoat, scarf, and beanie. I looked at him and saw it was an old family friend, now dead for almost 20 years.
I smiled at him, and turned to look the other way, back down the corridor, which curved away to my left with the circumference of the building. I saw that there were huge cracks running towards us, along the ceiling, and freaked. When I turned back to the man I noticed that it was no longer the friend, but a stranger, and then I realised that I no longer had my contact lenses in as everything went blurry. I looked up and saw a heavy beam above the man was coming down, and started one of those awful too-slow dream runs at him. I eventually got to him, shoulder charged him, and took him down just as the beam came down where his head had been.
Just as we hit the ground everything went black. That's the first oddity. I have never had a dream before where I was completely blind for a substantial part of the action. From that point on there was absolutely no visual feedback at all.
Something else I noticed (before the blackness even) was excruciating pain. My lower legs were burning, and I couldn't move them. As the dream progressed the burning moved up my legs, and then eased to a dull ache. I've had pain in dreams before, but only when I was in pain in reality, so this was both immersive and disconcerting.
The last weirdness I noticed was the smell. It was the smell of rotten concrete dust. It was an odd, chemical, 'plasticky' smell, and it was really unpleasant. I honestly have no idea what concrete dust smells like, let alone rotten concrete, but I did in my dream. I've only had a sense of smell in a few particular dreams before, and in all of them I smelt exactly the same thing. This concrete dust was a new dream smell.
It was also choking, and both the man and I were coughing and breathing through cloth, made apparent once we began talking to one another. I had my face buried in his shoulder, and he must have been holding something over his face. I couldn't see what. Perhaps it was his scarf.
Anyway, once the coughing abated we started (muffled) talking. The obvious questions about injury and comfort came first. I was lying on his right arm, so I got off that, and he was breathing too fast and shallowly, which made me worry I had broken his ribs when I tackled him. He turned out to be hyperventilating out of shock, but we talked one another into relative calmness and that stopped.
He thought both his legs were broken, and that was when I realised that similar injuries must have been what was causing my pain. I introduced myself as milla, and he said "I'm Till."
That's when I realised we were both speaking German, despite the fact that I don't understand it, let alone know how to speak it.
I bemoaned the lack of light, then remembered I couldn't see much anyway, without my corrective lenses, and we got talking about perception. He told me that he's blue/green colour-blind, and slightly long-sighted, and I told him I'm just very short-sighted, and that was the end of that line of conversation. Not very interesting, but it's the conversation I remember most about.
I don't remember much detail of what was said after that, but some general topics included cars, hunting, food, and travel. We also talked about literature and found that neither of us had read a single book that the other had read.
It was a surreal, but incredibly real dream. My alarm woke me up while we were still lying there in the dark, in pain, and without any signs of rescue. If this dream means anything I don't want to know about it, but figured I'd share it with you anyway, since the very fact that you're reading this site indicates that have have some interest in Till Lindemann.
The Absurdity of Assumption
Bear with me. This does relate to Rammstein:
There's this chick, Michelle McGee, who strips. She's a heavily tattooed beauty, probably best known as Jesse James's woman (ousted Sandra Bullock, no less), with a reputation for white supremacist leanings. I know next to nothing about her, and if she is indeed a WS then she's dirt, but the press have got a bit stupid about her stripping to Feuer Frei. The story is being propagated with emotive phrases such as 'Hitler's mixed tape' in the headlines, and more idiots are picking up on it and propagating it. I've seen it on two other sites, and they've pretty much ripped this nonsense verbatim.
So much stupid, so few bricks to wall it in with.
There's this chick, Michelle McGee, who strips. She's a heavily tattooed beauty, probably best known as Jesse James's woman (ousted Sandra Bullock, no less), with a reputation for white supremacist leanings. I know next to nothing about her, and if she is indeed a WS then she's dirt, but the press have got a bit stupid about her stripping to Feuer Frei. The story is being propagated with emotive phrases such as 'Hitler's mixed tape' in the headlines, and more idiots are picking up on it and propagating it. I've seen it on two other sites, and they've pretty much ripped this nonsense verbatim.
So much stupid, so few bricks to wall it in with.
Down & Out
You have probably noticed that the new video is not available just now. This is, I suspect, because it was released earlier than planned. I hope they put it back into service soon.
It may also be because of the load. A lot of people viewed it, and the performance from MySpace's systems was pretty poor. I watched the video in ten to twenty second chapters, as the service struggled to cope, and have read about others having a similar experience. I would think that if MySpace felt the load was too high they would simply make the video unavailable, as is their right.
Here's to MySpace increasing the resource pool for their video service, because if a Rammstein premiere can do that I can't begin to imagine what a more globally popular band's release would do to their network.
It may also be because of the load. A lot of people viewed it, and the performance from MySpace's systems was pretty poor. I watched the video in ten to twenty second chapters, as the service struggled to cope, and have read about others having a similar experience. I would think that if MySpace felt the load was too high they would simply make the video unavailable, as is their right.
Here's to MySpace increasing the resource pool for their video service, because if a Rammstein premiere can do that I can't begin to imagine what a more globally popular band's release would do to their network.
The Till is Dead - Long Live The Till
Oh yeah, I missed it. A Rammstein premiere. Gah! That will teach me for having gainful employment and living in bloody New Zealand. Haifisch, with all the narrative and humour we've come to expect, and a few nice flash-backs thrown in for good measure...with twists. It's a good video. Not quite up there with Ich Will, in my opinion, but damned good.
Also, apparently people in other countries can get the entire Rammstein video catalogue from iTunes. I can't. Once again living in the most beautiful place in the world burns me.
Also, apparently people in other countries can get the entire Rammstein video catalogue from iTunes. I can't. Once again living in the most beautiful place in the world burns me.
Confirmation for Haifisch

The video premiers this Friday on MySpace, and the single is coming in May (date to be confirmed soon on The Gauntlet). Obviously this one is not an R18 video...
Uncle Sam Needs You
Rammstein fans in the US (I know some of you are reading) who use FB should join this page. The idea is based on numbers. The page is trying to get a million fans, in order to get the attention of management and show enough solidarity to make a tour there feasible. We know Rammstein are going to go to the US, but on what scale, and under what conditions? Make a point they can't ignore and get your friends to join the page as well. It can't hurt and it may make a difference.
Haifisch? Bless You
Soon, right? It can't be far off. A small hint, possibly about how and where, has come from The Gauntlet. He's queried Herzeleid users as to how many have MySpace accounts. Yeah, I know, it's obscure, but possibly very useful information.
See No Evil, Hear no Evil...
Okay, so it's been awfully bleh in the world of Rammstein news recently, so I went looking for trouble. Well, not really. I went to see what those special people who admire Hitler's work think of Rammstein. I found a thread on a white supremacist site where the thread-starter asked the question 'are Rammstein blood-traitors?', and I read a good part of it.
What surprised me the most was the intelligence of some of the responses. I'm afraid I have always had the idea that racists must be intensely stupid to believe the things they do, and have pictured inbred hicks in KKK hoods misspelling their racist slogans, and smelling of home-made liquor. Somehow the thoughtful, coherent, rational responses some of these people made to the stupid question that started the thread were more shocking than anything else.
I'm probably what you'd describe as an Aryan poster girl. I'm a blonde, blue-eyed, mesomorph of reasonable intelligence. I have to say though that when I see white supremacists I feel ashamed of this fact for no good reason. There were, of course, the idiots and the over-emotional, and I have to admit that the intelligent posts generally pooh-poohed the idea of Rammstein being nazis, but after the ignorance shown by the more melodramatic posters made me laugh, the discussion in this thread (which you will note I have not linked to) made me feel distinctly sick and intensely angry.
I really wish that I could still believe these people are all stupid. It would make me feel so much better about their ghastly attitude to other people. My advice is that if you are curious about what they think about anything whatsoever do not seek answers. Just live in blissful ignorance.
What surprised me the most was the intelligence of some of the responses. I'm afraid I have always had the idea that racists must be intensely stupid to believe the things they do, and have pictured inbred hicks in KKK hoods misspelling their racist slogans, and smelling of home-made liquor. Somehow the thoughtful, coherent, rational responses some of these people made to the stupid question that started the thread were more shocking than anything else.
I'm probably what you'd describe as an Aryan poster girl. I'm a blonde, blue-eyed, mesomorph of reasonable intelligence. I have to say though that when I see white supremacists I feel ashamed of this fact for no good reason. There were, of course, the idiots and the over-emotional, and I have to admit that the intelligent posts generally pooh-poohed the idea of Rammstein being nazis, but after the ignorance shown by the more melodramatic posters made me laugh, the discussion in this thread (which you will note I have not linked to) made me feel distinctly sick and intensely angry.
I really wish that I could still believe these people are all stupid. It would make me feel so much better about their ghastly attitude to other people. My advice is that if you are curious about what they think about anything whatsoever do not seek answers. Just live in blissful ignorance.
My Website Has More Tweet-Cred' Than me
Okay, so we're in a slow Rammstein news period. They're between live legs (yeah, I really posted that), work-demands have left me limp, and I haven't had a lot to say. Apparently The Gauntlet will be getting some news very soon, but this place has been idle for a few days, and I need to stay up late to sort out a client's MX, so I thought I'd ruminate a little.
I signed up with Twitter 'as me' before I created The LILTwitter, and I never use it. I don't use it for chat or really have anything to say that I think those following my personal account give two shits about, so all my bombast ends up here, going out via LILTrammstein. As a result, the site's account has way more followers, is listed, and generally generates traffic, while my personal account languishes in obscurity.
The same goes for my Facebook accounts. I have two of them also. One for me individually, and another for this site. Attached to both is the LILTrammstein page. As with Twitter, the FB site profile is the one I am almost always logged in as, and to top that off almost all of my FB activity is on the page, rather than either profile.
I also signed up for MySpace, since it seems such a musically oriented SN site, but I don't log in.
I'm a Social Networking retard. Note the capitalisation there. I network socially as readily as I breathe. I just don't do it as I am probably supposed to.
I've decided there is a very simple reason for this: I don't share my personal life. This isn't a bad thing, but for someone whose main avenue of communication is the internet, both professionally and personally, I had expected that Twitter would possibly eat into my time, Facebook would hold my attention, and that I would probably waste far too much energy and effort with both. This has not happened. I am someone who networks fairly well, but I do it via email and forums. Given that my own forum is a small, dusty ghost town there is a certain level of strangeness to this.
I have to wonder why it is that the media designed for doing what I do fairly well don't capture my attention nearly so much as the basic, old school dinosaurs of internet technology. The original concept of BBSs is as old as the hills, as is the idea of email. I'm not old enough (shut up) yet to be stuck in my ways. I make very good use of both FB and Twitter...for the site. LILT definitely has way more use for the newer methods of communication though.
Bored yet? Okay, I'll put a plug in it. I wouldn't want to become one of those self-indulgent, self-involved bloggers who thinks people care about my life ;)
By the way, I will post whatever it is The Gauntlet serves up as soon as I get out of bed in the morning...
I signed up with Twitter 'as me' before I created The LILTwitter, and I never use it. I don't use it for chat or really have anything to say that I think those following my personal account give two shits about, so all my bombast ends up here, going out via LILTrammstein. As a result, the site's account has way more followers, is listed, and generally generates traffic, while my personal account languishes in obscurity.
The same goes for my Facebook accounts. I have two of them also. One for me individually, and another for this site. Attached to both is the LILTrammstein page. As with Twitter, the FB site profile is the one I am almost always logged in as, and to top that off almost all of my FB activity is on the page, rather than either profile.
I also signed up for MySpace, since it seems such a musically oriented SN site, but I don't log in.
I'm a Social Networking retard. Note the capitalisation there. I network socially as readily as I breathe. I just don't do it as I am probably supposed to.
I've decided there is a very simple reason for this: I don't share my personal life. This isn't a bad thing, but for someone whose main avenue of communication is the internet, both professionally and personally, I had expected that Twitter would possibly eat into my time, Facebook would hold my attention, and that I would probably waste far too much energy and effort with both. This has not happened. I am someone who networks fairly well, but I do it via email and forums. Given that my own forum is a small, dusty ghost town there is a certain level of strangeness to this.
I have to wonder why it is that the media designed for doing what I do fairly well don't capture my attention nearly so much as the basic, old school dinosaurs of internet technology. The original concept of BBSs is as old as the hills, as is the idea of email. I'm not old enough (shut up) yet to be stuck in my ways. I make very good use of both FB and Twitter...for the site. LILT definitely has way more use for the newer methods of communication though.
Bored yet? Okay, I'll put a plug in it. I wouldn't want to become one of those self-indulgent, self-involved bloggers who thinks people care about my life ;)
By the way, I will post whatever it is The Gauntlet serves up as soon as I get out of bed in the morning...
A Shout-Out to the Ducks
I happen to know for a fact that there are some pretty intense fan-girls out there, who magically form localised puddles when Herr Lindemann's image appears before them, so here's a small swamp for you to splash about in. Enjoy.
For the Teutophiles
Radio Nietzsche has a new website here. For those of you who are in the dark:
Radio Nietzsche RSS
Radio Nietzsche is a weekly radio show and podcast that plays a wide variety of music from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Our goal is to spread German culture through music and promote cultural exchange. If you have an interest in the German music scene or are looking to find a new sound, be sure to check out the new shows posted here every weekend!
Radio Nietzsche RSS
Ivana Be There Too
Big thanks to Vanja for sharing these photos from Belgrade. I can never get enough tour pictures.
Halleluja Response
The response to the video post to the Rammstein FB page has been interesting. The majority of reactions to the English lyrics have been critical of the inaccuracy, i.e. my adaption is not a verbatim translation. This is a given, since my goal is to produce working English lyrics, rather than a literal translation. I don't speak German. I leave that to the Jeremy Williamses of this world. Jeremy speaks German like a native, and has a solid grasp of attractive English prose, so his translations are very elegant, and come with useful notes where English falls down. He's most definitely the guy you go to for Rammstein translations.
I, on the other hand, am a poet. I make every effort to be faithful to Till's intent where it is apparent, and to his words where it isn't. I try to inject as much clever word-play and subtle or unsubtle humour (where appropriate) as I can. I also have the singer foremost in my mind at all times. If someone were to perform Rammstein's songs with my lyrics in place of Till's the idea is that they could ride Till's rhythmic and rhymic rails with my words, and it should work, musically. If that means a shift in the actual wording then so be it. I am not trying to mirror the man's work verbally at the expense of usability. I am writing English lyrics.
I think part of the problem is also that Soeren, who made the video, has replaced some of my lines with more accurate translations, so it's a mixture of literal but rhythmically dissonant lines, and my texturally correct but verbally shifted English lyrics. This inconsistency is probably a little confusing to the uninitiated. Why use the shifted English lyrics at all when you can translate it literally? Or why use the literal translation when you have English lyrics that fit the music?
I'm not sure what his reasoning was for mixing it up, but I think either way the video is effective and fun.
Another response has been a pretty serious up-turn in German traffic to LILT. I am not sure why. Most of my readers have been from the US until last week. Now suddenly up to 50 % of my traffic has come from Germany. I can only assume that the official FB page attracts domestic fans more than my usual referrers.
Anyway, if you're from Germany and reading this please forgive me the liberties I have taken with Till's German lyrics. In order for me to do what I aim to do it is entirely necessary, and by no means reflects badly on the original German lyrics. My appreciation for Till's German lyrics is what drives me to do this in the first place.
The less said about his English lyrics the better...
I, on the other hand, am a poet. I make every effort to be faithful to Till's intent where it is apparent, and to his words where it isn't. I try to inject as much clever word-play and subtle or unsubtle humour (where appropriate) as I can. I also have the singer foremost in my mind at all times. If someone were to perform Rammstein's songs with my lyrics in place of Till's the idea is that they could ride Till's rhythmic and rhymic rails with my words, and it should work, musically. If that means a shift in the actual wording then so be it. I am not trying to mirror the man's work verbally at the expense of usability. I am writing English lyrics.
I think part of the problem is also that Soeren, who made the video, has replaced some of my lines with more accurate translations, so it's a mixture of literal but rhythmically dissonant lines, and my texturally correct but verbally shifted English lyrics. This inconsistency is probably a little confusing to the uninitiated. Why use the shifted English lyrics at all when you can translate it literally? Or why use the literal translation when you have English lyrics that fit the music?
I'm not sure what his reasoning was for mixing it up, but I think either way the video is effective and fun.
Another response has been a pretty serious up-turn in German traffic to LILT. I am not sure why. Most of my readers have been from the US until last week. Now suddenly up to 50 % of my traffic has come from Germany. I can only assume that the official FB page attracts domestic fans more than my usual referrers.
Anyway, if you're from Germany and reading this please forgive me the liberties I have taken with Till's German lyrics. In order for me to do what I aim to do it is entirely necessary, and by no means reflects badly on the original German lyrics. My appreciation for Till's German lyrics is what drives me to do this in the first place.
The less said about his English lyrics the better...
Extreme Fuckwittage
I found a video of a couple of members of Rammstein being hounded by fans. I won't propagate it by linking or embedding it. This is partly because I think the sort of fuck-chop that chases famous people down, despite them showing every courtesy, needs a kick in the slats rather than more traffic, and also because I won't post Rammstein media that isn't from a planned event they've booked for, on principle.
The video was actually a bit disturbing to watch. They came out of a hotel, stopped to sign autographs and have their photos taken, and after busily pandering to the fans for a few minutes politely excused themselves. From there the chase was on.
The moral of my pissy post? If you happen across (or stake out the hotel of) your idol, and they are kind enough to stop and sign your crap don't chase them after they call a halt to the proceedings. It's decidedly off-colour and ugly.
The video was actually a bit disturbing to watch. They came out of a hotel, stopped to sign autographs and have their photos taken, and after busily pandering to the fans for a few minutes politely excused themselves. From there the chase was on.
The moral of my pissy post? If you happen across (or stake out the hotel of) your idol, and they are kind enough to stop and sign your crap don't chase them after they call a halt to the proceedings. It's decidedly off-colour and ugly.
LILT: Bückstabü 1.0
This one is tricky, because the German is very concise. Goddamn, English is clumsy:
Update: Holy shit! That's 50 songs...
Soon night will fall
We are alone
You need not
Need not be so down
The voices whisper in behind the face
They are saying (they are saying)
Don't be base
Leave it be
Do not touch there
Just count to three
This I'll get
This I'll get
Don't be afraid
Since I am here
As you know
I am really near
The voices whisper in behind the face
They are saying
Don't be base
Leave it be
Do not touch there
Just count to three
This I'll get
This I'll get
Two souls, oh, they're in my loins
But only one of them can remain
The first time will not hurt at all
There will not be a second time
Don't be base
Leave it be
Do not touch there
Just count to
This I'll get
This I'll get
Update: Holy shit! That's 50 songs...
LILT: Donaukinder 3.0
I'm not sure if I'm being horribly arrogant, or if I really have nailed this song down so quickly, but I'm happy with it, even the verse I switched Till's rhyming formula around on:
[original lyrics & translation]
Danube bleeds from headwaters
Where peace and suffering thaw
No good can now be supported
There in her marshy sward
No one knows what's happened here
The floods are rusty red
The fishes could not draw a breath
And all the swans are dead
In the river's former verdure
The animals fell ill
To the stream from the pasture
Was drifting an awful smell
Where are the children?
None knew what was happening
No one has seen anything
Where are the children?
No one has seen anything
Mothers stood there by the stream
And they wept forth a flood
In the fields and through the wiers
Grew their sorrow all through the mud
Black flags hanging through the town
Rats grew fatter by the day
The wells were poisoned all around
And the people moved away
Where are the children?
None knew what was happening
No one has seen anything
Where are the children?
No one has seen anything
Danube bleeds from headwaters
Where peace and suffering thaw
No good can now be supported
There in her marshy sward
Where are the children?
None knew what was happening
No one has seen anything
Where are the children?
No one has seen anything
[original lyrics & translation]
LILT: Spieluhr 3.0
I almost scrapped this one today, but I've decided to simply stop work on it, this it is promoted:
A tiny soul seems to have gone
But it just wants to be alone
Its little heart stood still for ages
Till all thought it had earned death's wages
So they inter it in wet sand
A music box still in its hand
First snow blankets the little grave
The small child slowly awakes
The winter night is very cold
And the tiny heart is bold
As frost flies all through the child
The musical box clockwork winds
With a melody on wings
From the cold ground a child sings
Hoppe hoppe Reiter
Down from high no angel sweeps
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter
On this grave only rain weeps
hoppe hoppe Reiter
With a melody on wings
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter
From the cold ground a child sings
The chilly moon while in full flight
Hears the crying in the night
Down from high no angel sweeps
On this grave only rain weeps
Between the cold hard oaken stays
With the musical box it plays
With a melody on wings
From the cold ground a child sings
Hoppe hoppe Reiter
Down from high no angel sweeps
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter
On this grave only rain weeps
hoppe hoppe Reiter
With a melody on wings
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter
From the cold ground a child sings
Hoppe hoppe Reiter
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter
They could hear on All Souls' Day
The melody in God's field played
So then they disinterred it
The child's heart, they preserved it
Hoppe hoppe Reiter
Down from high no angel sweeps
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter
On this grave only rain weeps
hoppe hoppe Reiter
With a melody on wings
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter
From the cold ground a child sings
LILT: Mein Teil 2.0
So much beauty and elegance:
Today I will meet a man
Who would eat me as he can
Soft and hard parts, from front and rear
Are on today's new bill of fare
Since you are what you eat
You well know what this is
This is my part – no
My part – no
That there is my part – no
My part – no
A really dull blade fits the bill
I'm bleeding hard and feeling ill
I am struggling to stay awake and
I keep on eating as I'm shaking
It's just so well-seasoned
And nicely flambéed
Then on porcelain so lovingly displayed
And a good wine with it
Served up and candlelit
Yeah, I should take it slow
You need culture you know
Since you are what you eat
You well know what this is
This is my part – no
My part – no
That there is my part – no
Yes it's my part – no
A cry will to heaven ascend
And through hosts of angels rend
Then their feathered flesh will careen
Into my lasting childhood screams
This is my part – no
My part – no
That there is my part – no
My part – no
This is my part – no
My part – no
That there is my part – no
Yes it's my part – no
Bring Rammstein to Australia
There're only a few ways to let Rammstein know they should come down this way. One is to buy up every copy of their album you can find. The other is to spam their Facebook page with demands for an Australian visit. The other is to make use of sites like Eventful. I signed up, and promptly unsubscribed from most of their emails, because they do email you everything they can if you let them. Now I want every Australian and Kiwi Rammstein fan out there to kick in:
I have this permanently embedded at the bottom of the site, but I wanted to highlight it.
I have this permanently embedded at the bottom of the site, but I wanted to highlight it.
Danish Support in Denmark
Volbeat will be supporting Rammstein in Copenhagen in June. As with Skunk Anansie I know nothing about them, so I have no comment to make. I'm sure those of you who know these bands will have an idea of how this will work. I've noticed people are sad to see Combichrist go. What are these guys like?
Here Endeth The Day
Rammstein? Who's that? I've had one of those weeks, even if it was short. I'm utterly slammed. I do however have a wee gem to share with you before I crash and burn, and it's a solid and very sincerely positive review of the Belgrade show.
Vladivostok, Are You There?
This article says that Rammstein are playing at RIMSCO-Hall there in September. No confirmation on the Rammstein tour page, so we shall have to see...
Combichrist havebeen replaced by Skunk Anansie in opening for Rammstein in the three May shows at Wuhlheide. This as per the Rammstein site and SA's site. Sorry I didn't post it earlier. I've seen it in so many places I forgot to put it up myself.
LILT: Liese 2.0
My friend in Berlin has given me some tips about this one, so I've developed it further, and am feeling pretty good about the changes:
[original lyrics & translation]
Thanks, F! <3
Sunday out in Ammerwiese
Liese bravely minds the geese there
Then comes Jacob with long strides
Holding his sickle at his side
He nudges now and then with this
At Liese under skirt and bodice
He wants to sample her by forcing
And while he probes her he's singing...
Lovely Liese, leave the geese here
I want to have a taste of your skin
My scythe will be blood-rusted I fear
If you are not welcoming
So Jacob thinks to lick young Liese
Her pear taste will be so pleasing
So many small hairs stand on end
They run to a wheat-filled glen
In the flood of gold, well veiled
Jacob bestrides the youthful maid
And holds her close until the evening
Against her skin he again sings...
Lovely Liese, leave the geese here
I want to have a taste of your skin
My scythe will be blood-rusted I fear
If you are not welcoming
Lovely Liese, leave the geese here
I want to have a taste of your skin
My scythe will be blood-rusted I fear
If you are not welcoming
[original lyrics & translation]
Thanks, F! <3
LILT: Haifisch 2.2
I told you not to hold me to it:
[original lyrics & translation]
We hold with each other
We all take each other's crap
We hold to one another
None will hold us back
We're holding true to you all
We hold onto that vow
We will uphold all the rules
If our rule is allowed
And the shark weeps very real tears
And they're running down its face
But the shark lives in the water
So nobody sees a trace
We hold to the tempo
We hold true in good faith
When one does not keep up
We hold up right away
We're holding our eyes open
We hold against the storm
Six hearts that are burning
Our fire holds such warmth
And the shark weeps very real tears
And they're running down its face
But the shark lives in the water
So nobody sees a trace
In the depths it is so lonesome
And so many tears run free
And that is how it has happened
That it's salty in the sea
They hold beliefs they want
To hold about us all
We hold each other sound
We never will hold still
And the shark weeps very real tears
And they're running down its face
But the shark lives in the water
So nobody sees a trace
In the depths it is so lonesome
And so many tears run free
And that is how it has happened
That it's salty in the sea
And the shark weeps very real tears
And they're running down its face
But the shark lives in the water
So nobody sees a trace
[original lyrics & translation]
LILT: Donaukinder 1.1
I've switched the rhyming formula in the black flags verse to match the rest of the song, but I'm not entirely certain it works, so that change is on probation:
[original lyrics & translation]
Danube bleeds from headwaters
Where peace and suffering thaw
No good can now be supported
There in her marshy sward
No one knows what's happened here
The floods are rusty red
The fishes could not draw a breath
And all the swans are dead
In the river's former verdure
The animals fell ill
To the stream from the pasture
Was drifting an awful smell
Where are the children?
None knew what was happening
No one has seen anything
Where are the children?
No one has seen anything
Mothers stood there by the stream
And they wept forth a flood
In the fields and through the wiers
Grew their sorrow all through the mud
Black flags hanging through the town
Rats grew fatter by the day
The wells were poisoned all around
And the people moved away
Where are the children?
None knew what was happening
No one has seen anything
Where are the children?
No one has seen anything
Danube bleeds from headwaters
Where peace and suffering thaw
No good can now be supported
There in her marshy sward
Where are the children?
None knew what was happening
No one has seen anything
Where are the children?
No one has seen anything
[original lyrics & translation]
RIAA impersonator?
Further to the weirdness on RammsteinActuell's channel, the videos that play through the official Rammstein website are throwing similar messages (I thought they were the same channel, to be honest), except rather than UMG named as the claimant it is the RIAA. Perhaps Rammstein video service is being targeted by a troll. Whatever the case may be, someone needs a kick in the slats, be they RIAA, UMG, or a third party playing silly buggers.
Et Tu UMG?
The RammsteinActuell channel on YouTube has had the video of Schneider drumming removed:
Oh dear, dear me...
Thanks to morlac for the heads up.
Update: See this for further developments.
"Der Drummer hat sein Bestes gegeben"
This video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.
Oh dear, dear me...
Thanks to morlac for the heads up.
Update: See this for further developments.
Paul at Musikmesse 2010
A little shaky, and a little blurry, but you can't have everything. You can just have Paul:
I figure this should have its own post, given that my work has been used in a video posted on the official Rammstein Facebook page. I just had a link in the update I made to the Halleluja LILT, but it's kind of cool, even if it has been altered a little, so this is my skite.
Waidmanns Heil Cover
Jamie has come through again, with yet another tight instrumental cover:
Nice :)
Nice :)
LILT: Halleluja 3.1
Funnily enough, the recent use and redevelopment of my Halleluja LILT on Facebook has highlighted a need for further change:
Deeply feeling and so pious
On his wall Our Lord is nailed
He wipes the defects from the Bible
He gives Communion without fail
He loves all the choir boys
Their pure souls so crystal clear
But the tenor gives him pause
So he has to keep him near
On the nightstand, not a sound
Our Lord's image
Is turned slowly 'round
When the church bells strike the hour
He folds his hands and knees in prayer
He is a single priest and
Neighbourly love is in his lesson
The youth is allowed to stay
Sin nests at half his height
Reverend Father kneels to pray
To music and candlelight
When the church bells strike the hour
He folds his hands and knees in prayer
He is a single priest and
Neighbourly love is in his lesson
When the church bells strike the hour
He includes the boy in his prayers
He is a true Christian
Charity no mystery to him
Turn slowly around
Turn around
In Fine Vettel
I'm sorry. I know this is way off-topic, but I just heard Eddie Irvine saying what I have thought for a year, i.e. that Vettel is the new Schumacher (as a driver, not as a person, mind). Hell yes! It's always nice when an expert voices your own opinions on international television.
Now RBR need to sort their reliability out...
Now RBR need to sort their reliability out...
Fuck April Fools' Day
AFD ended eleven hours ago for me, thanks to the fact that I live in the future for most of you, but I note there are some Rammstein pranks about. Paul leaving, US tour dates announced *BAD Gauntlet*, and no doubt a lot of shenanigans along similar lines.
I opted not to post during AFD, in my time-zone or yours. It's too easy to fool people, or to seem to be doing so, and I prefer to keep the faith. This wasn't because I had nothing to offer (the QotM I posted today was one I found earlier). It was simply because I didn't want to have anything I posted viewed with suspicion, figured there was bound to be content about that is utter bollocks, simply because of the date, and I didn't want to propagate any bullshit accidentally. I believed nothing for the duration.
Does that make me a humourless bitch, or a conscientious one? Maybe I should take a pill.
I opted not to post during AFD, in my time-zone or yours. It's too easy to fool people, or to seem to be doing so, and I prefer to keep the faith. This wasn't because I had nothing to offer (the QotM I posted today was one I found earlier). It was simply because I didn't want to have anything I posted viewed with suspicion, figured there was bound to be content about that is utter bollocks, simply because of the date, and I didn't want to propagate any bullshit accidentally. I believed nothing for the duration.
Does that make me a humourless bitch, or a conscientious one? Maybe I should take a pill.
This is an article about Lady Gaga, for whom I have a quiet admiration, even if it does revolve around her masterful powers of propaganda and self-promotion rather than her albums. It has a rather a nice line about Åkerlund, who has now made a couple of videos for the funky diva:
I have no doubt that Kalder speaks for many Rammstein fans.
...last year he shot a tedious hardcore porn video for the otherwise sublime German heavy metal band Rammstein...
I have no doubt that Kalder speaks for many Rammstein fans.
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