Okay, so it's been awfully bleh in the world of Rammstein news recently, so I went looking for trouble. Well, not really. I went to see what those special people who admire Hitler's work think of Rammstein. I found a thread on a white supremacist site where the thread-starter asked the question 'are Rammstein blood-traitors?', and I read a good part of it.
What surprised me the most was the intelligence of some of the responses. I'm afraid I have always had the idea that racists must be intensely stupid to believe the things they do, and have pictured inbred hicks in KKK hoods misspelling their racist slogans, and smelling of home-made liquor. Somehow the thoughtful, coherent, rational responses some of these people made to the stupid question that started the thread were more shocking than anything else.
I'm probably what you'd describe as an Aryan poster girl. I'm a blonde, blue-eyed, mesomorph of reasonable intelligence. I have to say though that when I see white supremacists I feel ashamed of this fact for no good reason. There were, of course, the idiots and the over-emotional, and I have to admit that the intelligent posts generally pooh-poohed the idea of Rammstein being nazis, but after the ignorance shown by the more melodramatic posters made me laugh, the discussion in this thread (which you will note I have not linked to) made me feel distinctly sick and intensely angry.
I really wish that I could still believe these people are all stupid. It would make me feel so much better about their ghastly attitude to other people. My advice is that if you are curious about what they think about anything whatsoever do not seek answers. Just live in blissful ignorance.
In my opinion there is no such thing as an intelligent comment if it is made on that forum (I do know which one you are talking about; I have had a row or two with those idiots before). To lower yourself and participate in that kind of idiocy really deserves no attention or respect. I have to admit that the time I did interact with a few of the members there I too felt angry and was in utter shock afterwards that I had even stepped in that realm of ignorance. Seriously, white power? Come on, the world doesn't revolve around phenotype (or as some call it 'race'), but because of a few pompous asses that think the color of their skin is a godsend, the rest are f-cked and subject to their will.
ReplyDeleteWow, sorry for the rant, but I really do despise when 'these' people question whether Rammstein are nazi's or part of the white brotherhood clan. Really, anything they do or say regarding their movement just disgusts me. I'm Latin, but not even I have chosen to become part of 'La Raza.' They just exclude the rest of the community and concentrate on 'their' problems rather than collectively focusing on all the problems in their society.
Ranting again.
But thanks for the post, I'm just sorry you had to read through that sh-t.
Well, if Hitler and his posse were complete idiots, they would not have gotten as far as they did...
ReplyDeleteAny totalitarian movement requires a few smart people, and a LOT of not-so-smart people, but more than anything, racism thrives on fear, which is by no means the exclusive province of the uneducated.
I admit, I was suprised at the recent NY Times poll re. the 'Tea Party':
From the appalling amount of willful ignorance and misspelled signs one sees in every Tea Party gathering, it would not be far-fetched to assume the majority is ill-educated and underemployed. But this new info scares me even more, because if the economy really is not at the heart of this 'movement', then what is...?
Didn't mean to get off-topic too much, but these days, anyone mentions Nazis, I instantly think 'Teabaggers'...any close examination of this phenomenon will reveal some very disturbing parallels, not the least of which is the overwhelming number of Caucasian members...
Nobody choose the place where he born, his family,name, or body. For all that things racism is stupid.
ReplyDeleteThere are smart people and stupid people in all the cultures and with the most fucked up ideas, including nazis.
It's not your fault the appearance you have. Your reaction means that you are an open minded person.Don´t worry, be yourself and remember that each race has its advantages and disadvantages. Don´t forget that there are people in the world very manipulative.
Sorry for my english.
Rammstein anti-nazi FÜR IMMER!
P.D= I like your blog, keep doing wath you do.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, because I would never advocate ignorance on any subject or social group, but I found it surreal and disturbing to read. I guess I have to admit that I don't really regret reading it, as I now know more than I did, but it's ugly knowledge, and the experience of learning was not the pleasure it usually is.
I wonder if they're going to notice the drummer wearing a yarmulka in the latest video...
ReplyDeleteI went digging around on there last night because I am a glutton for punishment I guess. I don't know if I agree with the idea they're terribly intelligent though; there's a whole drool bucket section for women to get dizzy over hot Aryan men, and oh, the arguments that starts! That guy isn't white, he's Turkish...that guy isn't white he's Arab....good lord. Stick with the blue eyed blonds, ladies...except I know plenty of Russian Jews who have that colouring, too bad so sad.
ReplyDeleteI am not about to sign up to comment (they'd out me as a Jew pretty quick) but damn, someone needs to let those twits know that Lucius Malfoy is played by a...you guessed it... Jew. A Jew so Jewy his family lives in Israel. It did make me laugh though.