
Grinding to a Halt

I fear I'm coming to a gentle stop. I need more material. This new album is going to be pretty essential to the enjoyment I get out of adapting these songs, as the remaining songs off the first five albums aren't the best material for my style of adaption. There are a few I just won't tackle, and others I am thinking I'll never do justice to. Eifersucht is a good example of what I'd probably turn out first shot on many of the songs that are left. It's a bit sad really.

I'm going to do my absolute best to nail the songs I've begun, and see if I can't wring some gold out of some of the left-over songs, but until I get 2009's offering and translations of it my project is going come to a stand-still.

Don't get me wrong. Some of the songs I haven't picked up yet are my favourites. They just don't seem to lend themselves to LILTing terribly well. I will simply refrain from working on a song I don't feel I can do justice to. I may even retract Eifersucht if I find I can't drastically improve it soon.


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