
Approaching 50 %

When it comes to passive creativity I've had trouble lately. My imagination works, but I don't have the concentration to read. Given that 50 - 100 % of my down-time has been spent reading since I was a small child this has been a considerable loss for me. Right now I read no books per week, rather than the three to five I normally read. I pick up books, be they new or old favourites, and can't get past a few pages.

Since March I've replaced reading with writing, and it's filled a gap that I couldn't leave empty. In that time I have adapted almost half of Rammstein's album catalogue to English and written a few of my own original pieces. I've also increased my English vocabulary and gained a small but very specific German one.

I would have gone bonky without this. It's increased my quality of life and has engendered in me a real passion for lyrical writing. Eventually I'd like to try and do something more useful with this, but I don't know how to go about that.

I have no idea why Lindemann's words attract me so strongly or give me the frisson they do, but I'm grateful to him for his work, and hope he puts out a lot more in future.

In the meantime I have some more Rammstein songs to adapt and the promise of their new album to keep me going. I really do hope I can get the reading groove back, but if I can't maybe I can have a career as a lyricist one day...


15 weeks
150 posts
470 visits
25 LILTs / 55 songs

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