
Comet Award?

I'm finding a lot of Tokio Hotel fan sites saying that Rammstein (and TH) have been nominated for Best Live Act award for Comet 2010. Sounds good, but I can't verify it. If anyone has a link to an authoritative website for the awards please do let me know. I'd like to check up on this.


  1. Well, the voting is over, but yes, I also saw that they were nominated (I don't live in Germany, but I was allowed to vote... ;D ). You can see on their website that the voting has stopped, but there is no list of nominees.
    The Rammstein Facebook page also has some links from users asking others to vote for them for Best Live Act. Hope this helps.

  2. Hey, yes, it does, thanks :)

    Do you have a link to their website? That way I can keep an eye out for results when they are posted.

  3. RA-forum had a thread about it. Apparently the voting took place at viva.tv website.

  4. Ah, okay. Thanks. I actually found that site, but wasn't aware it was attached to the awards. Appreciate the help :)

  5. Once finished the pre-nominations, Rammstein is on the top-6 finalists!
    VOTE: http://www.viva.tv/Events/ArticleDetail/id/2237855http://www.viva.tv/Events/ArticleDetail/id/2237855

  6. Oooh! Thank you. I have voted :)
