Hard to ignore...
Thanks Manu!
The New Look LILT

Here are the exit stats for the 2010 look:
Visits: 68555
Posts: 1134
LILTs: 53
Followers: 39
FB fans: 353
Twitter followers: 2352
The old look is now at http://lilt2011.rammstein.me. The previous versions are at http://lilt2009.rammstein.me and http://lilt2010.rammstein.me.
Go Vote
Rammstein have a video award nomination that requires your attention. This is for Mein Land, and you can vote here. I did. Go. Vote. Do it. Just GO.
Get Burned? Never Fear!
The super-duper, extra special edition of Rammstein's Made in Germany album has turned up with issues, but don't fret. UMG is making it right, like a good label. Here's the gen from Rammstein:
Following dispatch of the MADE IN GERMANY 1995-2011 Super Deluxe Edition, we unfortunately became aware that part of the production run contains serious defects. If you discover one or more of these defects in your box, you can exchange the affected part of the box. Below is information on what to do.
1. Some CDs and DVDs were incorrectly sorted, leading to duplication of and/or missing DVD/CDs. Duplicate DVD/CDs can be exchanged.
2. The inner edges of the box have not been deburred and are therefore quite sharp. This was intentional on the part of Universal. Anyone who is bothered by this can also exchange the metal box itself.
3. On some of the boxes there is also evidence of marks and/or printing errors on the box packaging and the metal slipcase. If you discover this error, you can exchange your box or slipcase.
4. There is some evidence of stained cloths. The cloths are there to protect the contents from rust stains, and so are intended to be stained at a later point. Anyone bothered by the current stains can have the cloth exchanged.
5. RAMMSTEIN had intended a different binding to be used on the 240-page photo book, one that allows the book to be opened more easily and lets the photos flow into each other cleanly. The book will therefore be reprinted to the appropriate standard and anyone who wants to can exchange the book.
As it currently stands, the Super Deluxe Edition in no way meets the standard of quality which was desired by RAMMSTEIN and assured by the manufacturer. RAMMSTEIN has carefully followed the entire production process; the above errors appeared in the few areas which are outside the control of the band.
Universal Music is therefore immediately offering anyone who purchased a defective Super Deluxe Edition the opportunity to exchange any faulty components, postage free, and has pledged to correct the defects quickly and without any fuss.
Anyone wishing to avail of this offer should please send an email, specifying the defect, to the following address:
or call the following number:
+49 30 52007 2355 (10am – 6pm CET)
According to Universal, you will immediately receive further information on the processing of the exchange.
Universal has said that the exchange and shipping of the correct CD/DVDs and/or photo book will take place as quickly as possible. As the components now have to be produced again, the exchange may take several weeks. Please notify your defects to Universal as soon as possible, as Universal has only agreed to take the items back until March 15th 2012.
We regret the inconvenience and are very irritated that our agreements and specifications were not complied with by Universal and their suppliers.
Made In Germany Album
It's out there, and it has an impressive array of content in its various forms. I plan to get the big fat mega-uber-super-ultra edition with everything, so I don't have it yet due to a shortage of gold. Please do post in the comments with your reviews, views, raves, rants, and so forth, so I can live vicariously through you, and so can my similarly situated readers!
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