
Stranger Than Fiction

Fan fiction on the whole doesn't worry me. I've read some excellent fan fiction based on a range of of properties, from TV shows to books to movies. I do have a bit of a problem with real people fiction, but it's my problem. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with writing about real people, so long as consideration is given to those people, their families, and their friends.

Equally, I have no real objection to pornography. It can be fun, is generally interesting, if well-written, and most definitely has a place in the world of literature and film. I think publishing it in such a way that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands is also important, since sex isn't always missionary position and romantic romps in front of roaring fireplaces, but otherwise it's open slather.

What I get really antsy about is a type of fan fiction, referred to as slash or het, depending on whether the subjects go for their own sex or the other, as it is applied to real people. It's not so much its existence that worries me, though I really don't want to be exposed to it myself. It's the manner in which it is often published, i.e. unsecured. I do think that if you're going to write erotica about a person that is alive (and probably famous, given the fact of it being 'fan fiction') you should take into account the fact that your subject is a real person with real family and friends, and that all those people concerned have feelings, both about one another and about what is published about them.

I got a little preachy in a thread on Rammstein Europe's discussion boards recently about precisely this subject, asking that people who write porn fiction about Rammstein be careful about how they publish their work. I pissed some people off, but I genuinely feel this subject shouldn't be dismissed.

Rammstein, and other objects of such enthusiastic fan-dom, are generally big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves, but that's no reason to disregard their feelings or their loved ones. Sure, write your sickest fantasies about Rammstein out, if that floats your boat, and share them with like-minded souls if you feel the need, but is it really that hard to make sure the children of the object of your desire can't possibly find your work? Is it really so onerous to find a responsible and courteous way to share your writings so your idol's mother is safe from the mental image of her son being bent over and very thoroughly reamed by his best friend? It can't be so very troublesome, surely...

Because I've made my feelings and views about this pretty clear I've opted to put my money where my mouth is and have created a hidden forum on You.Rammstein.Me for Rammstein fan art and fiction, more particularly that of a sexual nature. The forum can only be viewed and posted to by forum users who're in the group set up specifically for that forum, and only I can add users to that group. This way people have a place to share and discuss their fan fiction, be it written by them or by someone else, where there's no real chance of it causing problems. I'm actually going to set a robots file up so it's not searchable in the major search engines too.

Because it have a genuine distaste for this kind of fan fiction I won't be using that forum at all, but have found two fan fiction aficionados with thicker skin than mine, who will manage it for me. At present there is no content in the forum, and only one user in the group, but if you wish to partake and perhaps get the ball rolling sign up for the forum and let me know, and I'll add you to the group. This may be done by emailing me or by PMing me via the discussion board.


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